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Showing posts from May, 2016


Goals of Communication To inform –you are providing information for use in decision making To persuade –to reinforce or change a belief about a topic To build relationships –some messages that you send may have the goal of building good will between you and the other person.                                                                                                      Barriers to Communication One person has no interest in the conversation. You are not able to participate in the discussion due to lack of knowledge on the subject. Jumping to conclusions without waiting for the whole message. Fear of offending the other person by expressing your opinions. You not feel comfortable sharing your feelings with the other person. Ways to Improve Communication Encourage feedback -Listen to what others have to say, good or bad Listen -Make an effort to listen to what the other person is saying Reduce misunderstandings -Meanings are not in words, but in


                               Job descriptions often list negotiation skills as a desirable asset for job candidates, but the ability to negotiate requires a collection of interpersonal and communication skills used together to bring a desired result. The circumstances of negotiation occur when two parties or groups of individuals disagree on the solution for a problem or the goal for a project or contract. A successful negotiation requires the two parties to come together and hammer out an agreement that is acceptable to both. SOME EFFECTIVE NEGOTIATION SKILLS ARE: Problem Analysis:                      Effective negotiators must have the skills to analyze a problem to determine the interests of each party in the negotiation. A detailed problem analysis identifies the issue, the interested parties and the outcome goals. For example, in an employer and employee contract negotiation, the problem or area where the parties disagree may be in salary or benefits. Identif


         No matter what profession you’re in, networking is the fuel that accelerates success. Not only is it useful for learning directly from individuals you meet, but the benefits of association and growing your own authority are just as powerful. For some of us, the word  networking  can leave a bad taste in our mouths. Many of us aren’t sure where to start, what to say when we connect with someone or how to maintain that relationship. Although I truly believe there’s an art and science to networking and building authentic relationships, I’m going to distill what I’ve learned over the past few years. So, here is my no-BS guide to networking. There are 5 Stages to improve your Networking skills Stage 1: Mindset                    Before you think about networking, remove the word "working" from your system. We hear people talking about putting on their "networking game," and I can't help but wonder how many showers they'll need to tak


How to Reduce, Prevent, and Cope with Stress? You may feel there’s nothing you can do about stress. The bills won’t stop coming, there will never be more hours in the day, and your work and family responsibilities will always be demanding. But you have more control over stress than you might think. Stress management is all about taking charge: of your lifestyle, thoughts, emotions, and the way you deal with problems. No matter how stressful your life seems, there are steps you can take to relieve the pressure and regain control. What is stress management? We all respond to stress differently so, there’s no “one size fits all” solution to managing stress. But if you feel like the stress in your life is out of control, it’s time to take action. Stress management can teach you healthier ways to cope with stress, help you reduce its harmful effects, and prevent stress from spiraling out of control again in the future. No matter how powerless you may feel in the face of str


                          There are 28 soft skills essential to your career success.   Soft Skills List – Self Management Skills                     Self-Management Skills address how you perceive yourself and others, manage your emotions, and react to adverse situations.   Only when you build an inner excellence can you have a strong mental and emotional foundation to succeed in your career. Growth mindset  – Looking at any situation, especially difficult situations, as an opportunity for you to learn, grow, and change for the better.  Focusing your attention on improving yourself instead of changing others or blaming anyone. Self-awareness  – Knowing and understanding what drives, angers, motivates, embarrasses, frustrates, and inspires you.  Being able to observe yourself objectively in a difficult situation and understand how your perceptions of yourself, others, and the situation are driving your actions. Emotion regulation  – Being able to manage your emot